Humanities  /  Philosophy
On Death: Perspectives on endings and eternities Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 350
ISBN: 9789189696570
Pub Date: 15 May 2025
Death is the basic condition of man, the fixed point of our fears and the prerequisite for our aspirations. Ideas about death characterize all cultures and have given rise to both world religions and local myths. In secular environments, however, the existence of death is more obscure.
Egoism Without Permission Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 288
ISBN: 9780822948193
Pub Date: 28 Feb 2025
Series: Ayn Rand Society Philosophical Studies
Ayn Rand controversially defended rational egoism, the idea that people should regard their own happiness as their highest goal. Given that numerous scholars in philosophy and psychology alike are examining the nature of human flourishing and an ethics of well-being, the time is ripe for a close examination of Rand’s theory. Egoism Without Permission illuminates Rand’s thinking about how to practice egoism by exploring some of its crucial psychological dimensions.
Most Adaptable to Change Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 360
ISBN: 9780822948285
Pub Date: 28 Feb 2025
In a globalized and networked world, where media crosses national borders, contributors reveal how transnational processes have shaped popular representations of scientific and religious ideas in the United Kingdom, Argentina, Ecuador, India, Spain, Turkey, Israel, and Japan. Most Adaptable to Change demonstrates the varied and divergent ways evolutionary ideas and nonscientific traditions and ways of understanding life on Earth have transformed across the globe. By examining a range of popular media forms across a multitude of different geopolitical contexts from the 1920s to today, this book traces how different evolutionary traditions and figures have been championed or discredited by different religious traditions, their spiritual leaders, and politicians using the cultural authority of religion as leverage.
Science, Religion, and the Protestant Tradition Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 368
ISBN: 9780822967415
Pub Date: 28 Feb 2025
The story of the “conflict thesis” between science and religion—the notion of perennial conflict or warfare between the two—is part of our modern self-understanding. As the story goes, John William Draper (1811–1882) and Andrew Dickson White (1832–1918) constructed dramatic narratives in the nineteenth century that cast religion as the relentless enemy of scientific progress. And yet, despite its resilience in popular culture, historians today have largely debunked the conflict thesis.
Victorian Interdisciplinarity and the Sciences Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 336
ISBN: 9780822948148
Pub Date: 28 Feb 2025
The specialization thesis—the idea that nineteenth-century science fragmented into separate forms of knowledge that led to the creation of modern disciplines—has played an integral role in the way historians have described the changing disciplinary map of nineteenth-century British science. This volume critically reevaluates this dominant narrative in the historiography. While new disciplines did emerge during the nineteenth century, the intellectual landscape was far muddier, and in many cases new forms of specialist knowledge continued to cross boundaries while integrating ideas from other areas of study.
Concepts and Their Role in Knowledge Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 312
ISBN: 9780822967019
Pub Date: 23 May 2024
Series: Ayn Rand Society Philosophical Studies
The philosopher and novelist Ayn Rand (1905-1982) is a cultural phenomenon. Her books have sold more than twenty-eight million copies, and countless individuals speak of her writings as having significantly influenced their lives. Despite her popularity, Rand’s philosophy of Objectivism has received little serious attention from academic philosophers.
Chiasmi International 24 Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 430
ISBN: 9788869774331
Pub Date: 11 Mar 2024
Atmospheres Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 140
ISBN: 9788869774447
Pub Date: 10 Mar 2024
Series: Atmospheric Spaces
The contagious joy of a party, the solemn silence in a church, the gloomy atmosphere of endless rows of identical houses in an ugly city. Through a criticism of the reification and psychologization that goes back to the very beginning of Western philosophy, Hermann Schmitz offers a fundamentally new theory of embodiment and feelings based on atmospheres, unstable but powerful phenomena that fill the “surfaceless spaces” of lived experience. This collection of essays, selected by Schmitz himself, offers a comprehensive portrait of his theory, both in its fundamental outlines and later progress.
Beyond the Bible, Beyond the West Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 548
ISBN: 9788869774539
Pub Date: 10 Mar 2024
Series: Philosophy
Beyond the Bible, Beyond the West is a research in ontological hermeneutics: it is critical of “textual positivism” – which makes the univocity and clarity of a text the main goal of its task – and also of “cultural positivism” – a cultural matrix that elevates univocity and clarity as the ultimate goal of contemporary systems. This essay indirectly sketches a cultural critique and not only a theological one. Means, medium and guarantor of this ontological indelible reserve are ambivalence and paradox.
Initiatic Religious Experience in Neoplatonism Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 214
ISBN: 9788869774461
Pub Date: 10 Mar 2024
Series: Philosophy
This volume, written from a diachronic perspective, is devoted to the initatic and deeply transformative dimension of religious experience in Neoplatonic philosophy which aims at restoring the soul’s condition prior to its descent into matter. It brings together philosophers and historians of religions, specializing in the study of mithraism, theurgy, Christian mysticism and the philosophical exegesis of the Chaldean Oracles.
In Reality Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 170
ISBN: 9788869774010
Pub Date: 05 Mar 2024
Series: Philosophy
Bergson is rightly considered the philosopher of duration. Has this theory, however, been sufficiently elucidated? Is there a domain, aside from life itself, to which the characteristics of duration can be meaningfully ascribed?
Critique of Liberal Reason Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 344
ISBN: 9788869774409
Pub Date: 29 Feb 2024
Series: Philosophy
Our historical period is characterized by a vision of liberal heritage and a capitalist economic path. But it is far from obvious what “liberal” really means here, and what connection it has with capitalism. The current volume thus first attempts to provide a clarification of the long-term genesis of “liberal reason” in the West, following its development in the seventeenth century down to the present day.
Just in Time / Giusto in tempo Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 224
ISBN: 9788869774171
Pub Date: 29 Feb 2024
Series: Philosophy
The volume contains the proceedings of an international conference exploring the concept of 'contemporaneity' from different perspectives and in reference to different disciplinary fields (philosophy, literature and art theory). In the chronological motion of historiography, contemporaneity is conceptualised as simply being the present era, one that follows modernity. Such thinking overlooks a more complex understanding of the contemporary, which is, in its original meaning, the co-presence of different times, a disconnection of temporal continuity, a rupture in the present, which becomes a meeting point where the past and the future intersect.
Myth and Ideology Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 110
ISBN: 9788869774300
Pub Date: 29 Feb 2024
Series: Philosophy
The Kyoto School was the most important philosophical current in Japan during the 20th century. In the context of a growing interest in Japanese philosophy, as well as in non-European philosophy in general, this essay represents the first attempt to set the political thought of Kiyoshi Miki (1897-1945) and Jun Tosaka (1900-1945) in dialogue with contemporary thought. Miki and Tosaka were both leftist thinkers interested in thinking through political action “from below.
Osmospheres Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 246
ISBN: 9788869774317
Pub Date: 29 Feb 2024
Series: Atmospheric Spaces
Offering an overview of the relationship between smell and atmospheres as proposed within the humanities, this volume aims at interpreting the “olfactive” as a cross-sensorial and ecological modality of perception. It investigates osmospheres - i.e.
Philosophy and Madness: From Kant to Hegel and Beyond Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 140
ISBN: 9788869774416
Pub Date: 29 Feb 2024
Series: Philosophy
This book aims to reflect on mental illness through considering the influence that criticism and German idealism exerted on directions of philosophical, scientific and psychoanalytical thought in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and which can still be perceived today. It aims, therefore, not only to offer today's cultural and scientific debate an analysis of otherwise undetected aspects of classical German philosophy but also to shed light on subjects and issues present within current philosophical, psychiatric and scientific investigation.