Format: Paperback
Pages: 192
ISBN: 9798888571866
Pub Date: 15 Feb 2025
Illustrations: 20 b/w illustrations
This edited volume brings together an international group of scholars to address the lives, roles, myths, mythology, and lived experiences of Viking women as well as the impacts of change on women during the turbulent period of the Viking Age. Through interdisciplinary perspectives, this is a book dedicated to the lesserknown aspects of women’s lives as active members of society. It provides an innovative way of bringing together work from archaeological, anthropological, historical, and literary perspectives to address questions about women in trade, in war, in magic, in the household and activities that provided women with power and respect in their communities.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 150
ISBN: 9780975642351
Pub Date: 09 Feb 2025
Illustrations: fully illustrated;colour
The Pacific Profiles series presents the most accurate WWII profiles of Allied and Japanese aircraft which served throughout Australia, the South Pacific and New Guinea theatres. This Volume 16 covers the B-17E and F series which served in these theatres from their first appearance in Australia in the early weeks of the Pacific War until the final commander’s Fortress was scrapped in late 1944. The Fortress served with a total of one provisional and eighteen USAAF bombardment squadrons whilst many, after being stripped down and modified, went on to serve as transports and commander’s aircraft.
Most profiles are presented for the first time, alongside markings derivations, including unit heraldry, artwork and serial numbers. This volume corrects past errors and bridges a vast gap in Fortress markings throughout the Pacific including Thirteenth Air Force transports and an early squadron which served with the USN. Each profile is supported by photos and/or documentation, along with the brief history of each bomber. Wide-ranging reference material sources assignment data, wreck reports, squadron records, colour photography, maintenance logs, diaries, air base movement logs and markings specifications. The profiles are accompanied by brief unit histories and associated markings explanations.The author is world-renown for his expertise on the Pacific air war. Never before has the Pacific Fortress been illustrated with such breadth, accuracy and detail.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 352
ISBN: 9781942155737
Pub Date: 09 Feb 2025
Illustrations: B&W Photographs, Maps
This important memoir, translated into English for the author’s 100th birthday, tells the life story of Maj. Gen. (ret.
) Amos Horev, a visionary leader whose contributions helped shape Israel’s growth across many fields. Rooted in memories of growing up in Jerusalem in the 1920s and ‘30s, where he built foundational friendships with other future leaders, such as Yigael Yadin, Uzi Narkiss, and Yohay Ben-Nun, Horev tells the story of Israel through the personal lens of his own experiences. One of the first Palmach commanders and deputy to Yigal Allon and Moshe Dayan during Israel’s War of Independence, he went on to shape the evolution of the Israel Defense Forces’ weaponry and logistics, later serving as president of the Technion—Israel Institute of Technology and chair of the board of Rafael, Advanced Defense Systems Ltd. In this autobiography, Retired Major General Amos Horev reveals the stories of the daily lives of the fighters and commanders in the Palmach—their failures, their successes, and most especially their motivation to fight to the end, even when the results were unknowable and the chances were slim. Through wars and missions, Amos remained a family man. He reveals another layer of his inner life when he speaks about Shoshana, his wife and the love of his life. Amos Horev’s life story, which he tells with candor and integrity, combines with the story of Israel, and the generation that broke the ground, for those who followed.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 288
ISBN: 9781636240084
Pub Date: 04 Feb 2025
Summer 1942. Defeatism hangs in the air. Britain stands alone.
Winston Churchill is determined to strike back and has ordered the formation of a special operations force, dubbed "Commandos", with the mission to "set Europe ablaze." U.S. Marine Captain Jim Cain and his Gunnery Sergeant Leland Montgomery are surprised to receive orders to the British Commando training center in the Scottish Highlands. There they are put through the brutal specialized training that will hone their fighting skills and physical endurance. Pitiless forced marches, dangerous live fire exercises and hazardous assault courses separate the men from the boys, while building a strong sense of brotherhood among the British soldiers and the two Marines. Lucky to be quartered in the spacious home of the Commandos' CO, Cain has the pleasure of meeting Loreena. The stunning auburn-haired daughter of the CO is secretive about her work in London. Before Cain can learn more about her, the training course is interrupted. He and the commando squad are sent on a special mission to destroy a German radar station on a Nazi-held island off the coast of France. The site is defended by a squad of second-rate garrison soldiers who are no match for the highly trained and motivated commandos. A reaction force of infantry, led by a blooded German combat veteran, joins the fight. The action is fierce and bloody and there are heavy losses on both sides. The surviving raiders are able to withdraw to Royal Navy motor torpedo boats, as a marauding squadron of Schnellboots (E-Boats) lies in wait. The Commandos: Set Europe Ablaze is rich in detail and military accuracy which makes the story "come alive" and enables the reader to easily visualize the characters, the settings and the action scenes.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 200
ISBN: 9781463205881
Pub Date: 31 Jan 2025
Series: Surath Kthob
This volume is part of a series of English translations of the Syriac Peshitta along with the Syriac text carried out by an international team of scholars. Forness has translated the text, while Kiraz has prepared the Syriac text in the west Syriac script, fully vocalized and pointed. The translation and the Syriac text are presented on facing pages so that both can be studied together.
All readers are catered for: those wanting to read the text in English, those wanting to improve their grasp of Syriac by reading the original language along with a translation, and those wanting to focus on a fully vocalized Syriac text.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 300
ISBN: 9781463243746
Pub Date: 31 Jan 2025
Series: Surath Kthob
This volume is part of a series of English translations of the Syriac Peshitta along with the Syriac text carried out by an international team of scholars. Healey has translated the text, while Kiraz has prepared the Syriac text in the west Syriac script, fully vocalized and pointed. The translation and the Syriac text are presented on facing pages so that both can be studied together.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 283
ISBN: 9781463247041
Pub Date: 31 Jan 2025
Series: Bulletin for Biblical Research Dissertation Series
This study addresses two underdeveloped areas in Old Testament scholarship: the use of Judges in Psalms and the use of rhetorical criticism in the analysis of inner-biblical allusion.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 227
ISBN: 9781463246037
Pub Date: 31 Jan 2025
Series: Gorgias Handbooks
Illustrations: 46
Lexical Aids to the Syriac New Testament provides an essential tool to students of Syriac. A frequency-based glossary guides the student through the text of the Syriac New Testament’s most significant terms. In addition, verbal paradigms demystify the language’s structure, fostering a deeper understanding.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 286
ISBN: 9781913344221
Pub Date: 31 Jan 2025
Series: The Sanctuary on Keros and the Origins of Aegean Ritual Practice
Illustrations: 194
The sanctuary at Kavos on Keros was discovered in 1963 in the aftermath of looting in the region of the sanctuary now designated the Special Deposit North. From 2006-2008, excavations in the Special Deposit South (now fully published in Volumes II and III of the present series), clarified the nature of the deposits and the materials found there. This volume publishes the sculptural fragments from the Special Deposit North, recovered in excavations in 1963 and 1967, in a campaign of surface survey and excavation in 1987, and collected by archaeologists over the past six decades, or discovered by locals.
The material is better preserved than most of the material from the Special Deposit South, and offers important insights into earlier phases of Cycladic sculpture, monumental sculptures, and sculptures of special type, such as seated or standing figures, including musicians and groups. The present volume completes the publication of the entire sculptural assemblage recovered in approved excavations from the sanctuary at Kavos, and a number of conclusions are offered on the basis of the complete assemblage.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 345
ISBN: 9781463243425
Pub Date: 31 Jan 2025
Series: Gorgias Studies in the Ancient Near East
Ancient Nubia played key political, social, and economic roles in the ancient world, yet knowledge of Nubian societies remains regrettably narrow, with Nubia often disregarded as derivative of Egypt. This volume provides a timely corrective to this outlook, centering Nubian history and archaeology and presenting research from postcolonial and anti-racist perspectives. In addition to demonstrating Nubiology’s potential impact on Egyptological, classical, and biblical scholarship, this volume offers a new window into African achievements and dominance in the ancient world.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 352
ISBN: 9781463245771
Pub Date: 31 Jan 2025
Series: The Armenian Church Synaxarion
The Armenian Church Synaxarion is a collection of saints’ lives according to the day of the year on which each saint is celebrated. Part of the great and varied Armenian liturgical tradition from the turn of the first millennium, the first Armenian Church Synaxarion represented the logical culmination of a long and steady development of what is today called the cult of the saints. This volume, the first Armenian-English edition, is the ninth of a twelve-volume series—one for each month of the year—and is ideal for personal devotional use or as a valuable resource for anyone interested in saints.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 354
ISBN: 9781463243760
Pub Date: 31 Jan 2025
The Passover Haggadah, the quintessential Jewish book, began taking shape in the period of the Mishnah and the Talmud (ca. 100-600 CE). Even by 600, it did not look like it does today.
Major portions were wanting, e.g., the story of eminent sages at a seder in Bene Beraq; the typology of the four sons; the midrashic expansion of the story of the exodus; the song Dayyenu. Those compositions (mostly) or borrowings were incorporated into the Haggadah between ca. 600-900 (the Geonic period). Such selections completed the Haggadah, producing the book used at Passover Seders to the present day. This study shows how the section of the Passover Haggdah known as maggid (“recounting”) achieved its comprehensive structure and contents between ca. 600 and 900 CE (the geonic period).
Format: Hardback
Pages: 429
ISBN: 9781463245016
Pub Date: 31 Jan 2025
Series: Perspectives on Hebrew Scriptures and its Contexts
An inter-disciplinary study of the story and history of Israel's transition from tribal federation to monarchy, covering the events described in 1 Samuel 1-16; 2 Samuel 21-24; and 1 Kings 1-4. It follows the 2018 publication of The Book of Samuel: Part One, Studies in History, Hisoriography, Theology, and Poetics Combined (Jerusalem: Rubin Mass).
Format: Paperback
Pages: 128
ISBN: 9781636244792
Pub Date: 31 Jan 2025
Illustrations: Over 120 photographs and illustrations
The summer of 1863 started off disastrously for the Army of the Potomac in the Eastern Theater. In early May, Confederate General Robert E. Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia defeated and humiliated Major General Joseph Hooker’s army at the Battle of Chancellorsville.
While both armies reorganized in the wake of Chancellorsville’s massive losses, Lee then maintained the initiative and launched an invasion of Pennsylvania. Throughout June, Lee’s army advanced deeper into Pennsylvania and Northern efforts to stop his progress were ineffective until Major General George Meade replaced Hooker as commander of the Army of the Potomac. On July 1, 1863, Meade and Lee’s large armies collided outside of the crossroads town of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. The stakes were never higher for either army as the newly promoted Meade defended Northern soil, while General Lee risked everything by taking the war into enemy territory.The first day of the Battle of Gettysburg is often overshadowed by fighting on the following days, but July 1 was one of the bloodiest single engagements of the entire Civil War. Many of the decisions leading to and through Gettysburg’s first day remain steeped in controversy. Did Meade intend to fight on the Pipe Creek line in Maryland until subordinates such as Major General John Reynolds forced the engagement at Gettysburg? Did the absence of J. E. B. Stuart’s cavalry really leave Lee “blind” to his opponent’s movements? Was Lee’s desire to avoid a general engagement ignored by his own officers? With neither commanding general on the battlefield for much of the day, crucial decisions remained in the hands of subordinates such as John Buford, John Reynolds, A. P. Hill, Richard Ewell, and Oliver Howard.This Casemate Illustrated volume sets the stage for the Civil War’s greatest battle and covers the heroism, decisions, and mistakes made on the first day at Gettysburg.
The Illustrated Cairo Genizah
Format: Hardback
Pages: 340
ISBN: 9781463247720
Pub Date: 31 Jan 2025
A thematic, illustrated guide to the Cairo Genizah collections at Cambridge University Library.