Prehistory  /  British & Irish Prehistory
From Farm to Vikingage Trading Centre Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 592
ISBN: 9798888571972
Pub Date: 15 Aug 2025
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Illustrations: 300 B/W and colour illustrations
The discovery of early medieval artefacts by metal detectorists at Glyn, Llanbedrgoch, Anglesey from the late 1980s led to a longterm programme of archaeological investigations by the National Museum of Wales (now Amgueddfa Cymru). Excavation revealed rich evidence for human activity from the Mesolithic period to the present, but its international recognition as a transformative site has been based on the remarkable early medieval evidence covering the 5th to 6thcentury transition up to the 11th century.The early medieval enclosed settlement has produced the richest archaeological record in preNorman Wales for this period of political and cultural transformation.
RRP: £60.00
Cladh Hallan: Roundhouses and the Dead in the Hebridean Bronze Age and Iron Age Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 464
ISBN: 9798888571163
Pub Date: 15 Jun 2025
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Series: Sheffield Environmental and Archaeological Research Campaign in the Hebrides
Illustrations: 200 B/W and color illustrations
This second of two volumes presents archaeological and scientific studies of a wide range of materials from the unusually long-occupied Bronze Age and Iron Age site of Cladh Hallan on South Uist in the Western Isles of Scotland. These include metalworking debris, copper-alloy, gold and iron artifacts, bone and antler tools and ornaments, flint and quartz tools, coarse stone tools, pumice, shale ornaments and fuel ash slag. The metalworking assemblage, from casting weapons, tools and ornaments, is exceptional in its size and in its being stratified within a domestic context of production.
RRP: £39.95
The Landscapes of Common Land Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 224
ISBN: 9781914427336
Pub Date: 15 Jun 2025
Imprint: Windgather Press
Illustrations: 70 b/w and color illustrations
Commons are an important part of the English landscape. Survivors from a once more extensive network otherwise eroded by the inexorable progress of enclosure, they provide a taste of wildness, crucial habitats for wildlife and valued spaces for recreation. To many people they seem to offer a tangible link with happier, more egalitarian times, when communities controlled the land;or with periods yet more remote, representing fragments of the wilderness of remote prehistory.
RRP: £39.95
The early Neolithic of Northern Europe Cover The early Neolithic of Northern Europe Cover
Pages: 260
ISBN: 9789464263275
Pub Date: 26 Mar 2025
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 64fc / 17bw
Pages: 260
ISBN: 9789464263268
Pub Date: 26 Mar 2025
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 64fc / 17bw
In Britain, Ireland and Southern Scandinavia, the Early Neolithic is characterised by monumental constructions (e.g. causewayed enclosures, dolmens) and by specific traditions of depositional practice.
RRP: £95.00
RRP: £45.00
Presenting Counterpoints to the Dominant Terrestrial Narrative of European Prehistory Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 272
ISBN: 9798888571842
Pub Date: 15 Mar 2025
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Series: Maritime Encounters
Illustrations: 120 b/w and colour illustrations
For many years now, the main thrust of European prehistory has followed a fundamentally terrestrial plot line. This terrestrial paradigm has undervalued the story of Europe as a peninsula between the Baltic, Mediterranean and Atlantic, and likewise downplayed that of many navigable rivers that reach deeply inland and the large lakes important for travel and subsistence. In vast areas of Europe the survival of incoming groups depended on coping and interacting with a seascape as much as a landscape.
RRP: £55.00
The Snettisham Hoards Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 772
ISBN: 9780861592258
Pub Date: 10 Dec 2024
Series: British Museum Research Publications
For over 60 years, spectacular discoveries have been made on a wooded hillside at Snettisham, overlooking the northwest Norfolk coast, close to Hunstanton. The location of the discoveries, at Ken Hill, is known as the ‘gold field’ because of the large number of gold and silver alloy neck-rings (‘torcs’) and coins recovered from the site. Known as the ‘Snettisham Treasure’, these objects represent one of the largest collections of prehistoric precious metal objects ever discovered, and one of the largest concentrations of Celtic art.
RRP: £40.00
Early Thame: Archaeological Investigations at Oxford Road, Thame, Oxfordshire 2015 Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 384
ISBN: 9781999822262
Pub Date: 20 Nov 2024
Series: Oxford Cotswold Archaeology Monograph Series
Illustrations: 161
Excavations by OCA during 2015 at Oxford Road, Thame revealed activity from the Neolithic to the Late Saxon period. This has now been published by OCA in two illustrated volumes. Volume 1 describes how Early Neolithic pits and a three-circuit causewayed enclosure – possibly one of the largest known – were succeeded by later prehistoric activity including an extensive Early Iron Age settlement.
Must Farm pile-dwelling settlement Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 348
ISBN: 9781913344146
Pub Date: 20 Mar 2024
Series: CAU Must Farm/Flag Fen Basin Depth & Time Series
Illustrations: 194
The Late Bronze Age pile-dwelling settlement at Must Farm is one of the most important and best-preserved prehistoric sites to have been systematically excavated in Europe. The settlement comprised a curving palisade enclosing five stilt-raised houses erected above a freshwater river channel at the edge of one most Britain’s most intensively studied and internationally renowned Bronze Age landscapes: the Flag Fen Basin. Built in the mid-9th century bc, the pile-dwelling was engulfed by a catastrophic fire less than a year after construction, sending the buildings and their artefact-rich contents into the sluggish waters below.
RRP: £45.00
The A120 Bypass and Flood Alleviation Scheme Little Hadham, Hertfordshire Archaeological Investigations 2019–2020 Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 250
ISBN: 9781999822231
Pub Date: 28 Feb 2024
Series: Cotswold Archaeology Monograph
Illustrations: 157 Black and white and colour line drawings and photographs
A few scatters of Mesolithic and Neolithic flint were found across the development area. Slightly more extensive evidence for Neolithic occupation was represented by a small number of pits from which flint-tempered Neolithic pottery, worked flint, charred plant remains and animal bone were recovered. During the later Bronze Age and Iron Age the first permanent settlements were established.
RRP: £30.00
Viking Migration and Settlement in East Anglia Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 240
ISBN: 9781914427251
Pub Date: 30 Sep 2023
Imprint: Windgather Press
This book shows how analysis of Scandinavian-influenced place-names in their landscape contexts can provide crucial new evidence of differing processes of Viking migration and settlement in East Anglia between the late ninth and eleventh centuries.The place-names of East Anglia have until now received little attention in the academic study of Viking settlement. Similarly, the question of a possible migration of settlers from Scandinavia during the Viking period was for many years dismissed by historians and archaeologists – until the recent discovery by metal-detectorists of abundant Scandinavian metalwork and jewellery in many parts of East Anglia.
In the Shadow of Segsbury Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 220
ISBN: 9781999822224
Pub Date: 20 Jul 2023
Series: Cotswold Archaeology Monograph
Illustrations: 136 Black and white and colour line drawings and photographs
Extensively illustrated report on an excavation in Oxfordshire near the Iron Age hillfort at Segsbury. Ephemeral traces of Mesolithic and Neolithic activity, including a possible Neolithic timber structure, were found. The remains of a probable Late Bronze Age pit alignment were also found.
Repeopling La Manche Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 216
ISBN: 9781789251524
Pub Date: 15 May 2023
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Series: Prehistoric Society Research Papers
Illustrations: b/w and colour
The current geography of north-west Europe, from the perspective of long-term Pleistocene climate change, is temporary. The seaways that separate southern Britain from northern France comprise a flooded landscape open to occupation by hunter-gatherers for large parts of the 0.5 million years since the English Channel’s formation.
RRP: £35.00
An Introduction to Peatland Archaeology and Palaeoenvironments Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 160
ISBN: 9781789257557
Pub Date: 15 Nov 2022
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Series: Studying Scientific Archaeology
Illustrations: B/w and colour
Peatlands are regarded as having exceptional archaeological value, due to the fact the waterlogged conditions of these wetlands can preserve organic remains that are almost entirely lost from the majority of dryland contexts. This is certainly true, although the remarkable preservation of sites and artefacts is just one aspect of their archaeological importance. This book provides an accessible introduction to the ecology and formation processes of peatlands, and to the different archaeological and palaeoenvironmental techniques that have been developed and adapted for the study of these environments.
RRP: £29.95
Defining Spaces in Iron Age Northumberland Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 160
ISBN: 9781789258561
Pub Date: 15 Oct 2022
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Illustrations: Colour
The Iron Age settlements excavated by Headland Archaeology (UK) Ltd at Morley Hill and Lower Callerton lie within the rich later prehistoric landscape of the Northumberland coastal plain. This monograph presents the results of the excavation, specialist analyses and provides a key dataset upon which to discuss regionally and nationally important later prehistoric research themes. The excavations at Morley Hill and Lower Callerton offer two large-scale new datasets to compare within the corpus of enclosed Iron Age settlement sites across the region, allowing for an increased understanding of settlement patterns, architectural forms and farming practices.
The First Stones Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 320
ISBN: 9781789257397
Pub Date: 10 Oct 2022
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Illustrations: Colour and b/w
The First Stones brings together the results of recent research on the Neolithic long cairns lying in the shadow of the Black Mountains in south-east Wales, focusing upon Penywyrlod and Gwernvale, the two best known tombs within the group, previously excavated in the 1970s. Important results lie in both new site detail and reassessment of the wider context. Small-scale excavation, geophysical survey and geological assessment at Penywyrlod – the largest of the Welsh long cairns – gave further information about the distinctive external and internal architecture of the monument.
Preserved in the Peat Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 304
ISBN: 9781789258783
Pub Date: 05 Aug 2022
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Illustrations: Colour
Excavation of a Scheduled burial mound on Whitehorse Hill, Dartmoor revealed an unexpected, intact burial deposit of Early Bronze Age date associated with an unparalleled range of artefacts. The cremated remains of a young person had been placed within a bearskin pelt and provided with a basketry container, from which a braided band with tin studs had spilled out. Within the container were beads of shale, amber, clay and tin; wo pairs of turned wooden studs and a worked flint flake.
RRP: £34.95