Format: Hardback
Pages: 240
ISBN: 9781842172513
Pub Date: 01 Jun 2007
Illustrations: b/w illus
This volume of thirteen essays came out of a conference in December 2004 at Bristol University, to celebrate the career of Mick Aston on the occasion of his retirement. They reflect his enthusiam for landscape and monastic archaeology in particular, and range in time from prehistory to the nineteenth century. Mick's ability to communicate archaeology to the masses has rightly seen him earn the title of 'The Ambassador of British Archaeology'.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 160
ISBN: 9781902937380
Pub Date: 17 Mar 2007
Series: McDonald Institute Monographs
Illustrations: 32 b/w illus, 7 tabs, CD
Drawing on the experience of the Temper project ( Training, Education, Management and Prehistory in the Mediterranean ) and wider examples from the Mediterranean, this volume explores the issues inherent in managing, interpreting and presenting prehistoric archaeological sites. The first section of the book contains thematic chapters on conservation, visitor management and interpretation, public participation, and issues of managing sites within their cultural landscape; the second section focuses on archaeology and education and the politics of national curricula, and presents detailed case studies. Written by academics and those working in the fields of archaeology, architecture, heritage management and education, this volume will be invaluable to students and practitioners alike.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 356
ISBN: 9780904152487
Pub Date: 08 Feb 2007
Series: Archaeological Monographs of the British School at Rome
Illustrations: c.180 b/w illus
The San Vincenzo Project, focused upon the Benedictine monastery of San Vincenzo al Volturno, in central Italy, was launched in 1980. In addition to developing the archaeological potential of the well-known ninth-century painted crypt of San Lorenzo and to defining the general character of the early medieval monastery, a major aim of the project was through a combination of survey and small-scale excavation within the territory to define the relationship between the early medieval monastery and its dependent communities. This volume summarizes the archaeology of the territory, placing emphasis upon the long settlement history of which San Vincenzo al Volturno was a part, as well as the dependent communities of the Benedictine monastery identified during the fieldwork.
The volume includes an overview of the 1980-1 field survey (including investigations of the castelli in the upper Volturno valley and the survey and excavations on Monte Mare); the principal results of the extensive excavations on the east bank of the river, including the Samnite cemetery and vicus, the Samnite and Roman settlement, the early medieval industrial complex and borgo, as well as the twelfth-century monastery; reports on excavations at two hilltop sites, Colle Castellano and Colle Sant'Angelo. In addition, there are essays on the San Vincenzo community in Capua; on the upper Volturno valley in Roman times; a reconsideration of late antique San Vincenzo and an assessment of the upper Volturno valley in the early Middle Ages.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 180
ISBN: 9788789438054
Pub Date: 31 Dec 2006
Illustrations: 85 colour illus
Prince Christian Frederik (1786-1848) became King Christian VIII of Denmark in 1839. His accession to the throne took place at the end of Denmark's 'Golden Age' -- a period haunted by national bankruptcy but, notably, due to a few men of vision also a period in which painting, poetry and science developed intensively. Because of his intelligence, energy and patronage of the arts, King Christian VIII became one of the entrepreneurs of Danish cultural life.
After his death in 1848, the King's collection became state property and was transferred to the National Museum. In 1998, in commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the King's death, the National Museum arranged a symposium where a series of papers were presented about the King as a collector and about the importance of the collections. This book, lavishly illustrated with photographs of the collection and other artefacts, contains the symposium papers, which have been revised and expanded.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 437
ISBN: 9789979546696
Pub Date: 12 Dec 2006
Imprint: University of Iceland Press
These days the written word is coming under a great deal of pressure from visual media. Increasingly we feel we have to refer to films "which everyone knows" or contemporary mass culture in order to explain theories and discuss the pattern of a text. Photography, television and films have taken over a large share of information exchange, education and entertainment.
The flow of images reaches us via the ever-changing forms of new technologies and the "medium is the message". But visual media are not merely part of our reality: we talk of a "world wiew" and this reflects the fact that the public space, and therefore our culture, is becoming more visual by the day. This anthology considers literature and visual culture from a number of different perspectives. It provides valuable assistance in the quest for a new understanding of the interplay and fusion of image and text in the modern era, in new yet at the same time well-established forms.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 464
ISBN: 9789979547266
Pub Date: 12 Dec 2006
Imprint: University of Iceland Press
This book surveys mathematical education in Iceland from medieval times to the present. Its main focus is on the international "modern" mathematics reform movement in the 1960s, promoted by the OECD. At that time mathematics education in Iceland had drifted into stagnation, characterized by a shortage of teachers, curricula and textbooks.
In spite of the turmoil and confusion in the Icelandic school system caused by the introduction of modern mathematics, this reform had significant positive impact. It stimulated the creativity and initative of a generation of teachers and played an important role in the transformation of Icelandic society. Icelanders came to recognize the importance of mathematics for technical and economic progress and for its inherent cultural value.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 416
ISBN: 9789189116818
Pub Date: 01 Dec 2006
Imprint: Nordic Academic Press
Illustrations: b/w illus
The study of Old Norse Religion is a truly multidisciplinary and international field of research. The rituals, myths and narratives of pre-Christian Scandinavia are investigated and interpreted by archaeologists, historians, art historians, historians of religion as well as scholars of literature, onomastics and Scandinavian studies. For obvious reasons, these studies belong to the main curricula in Scandinavia but are also carried out at many other universities in Europe, the United States and Australia, a fact that is evident to any reader of this book.
In order to bring this broad and varied field of research together, an international conference on Old Norse religion was held in Lund in June 2004. About two hundred delegates from more than fifteen countries took part. The intention was to gather researchers to encourage and improve scholarly exchange and dialogue, and Old Norse religion in long-term perspectives presents a selection of the proceedings from that conference. The 75 contributions elucidate topics such as worldview and cosmology, ritual and religious practice, myth and memory as well as the reception and present-day use of Old Norse religion. The main editors of this volume have directed the multidisciplinary research project Roads to Midgard since 2000. The project is based at Lund University and funded by the Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 320
ISBN: 9780907764328
Pub Date: 01 Dec 2006
Series: JRS Monograph
Illustrations: 12 pls.
The present work offers an extensive introduction to the text and transmission of the ancient Latin version of the medical works "Therapeutica" and "On Fevers" of the great sixth-century Greek doctor Alexander of Tralles. The importance of the Latin Alexander in medieval medicine in the West is seen in the richness of both mainstream and secondary, excerpting manuscript-traditions. The tradition is such that the reconstructed Latin text promises to be a much more important witness to the Greek text than the Greek is to the Latin, and of course a reliable edition is a prerequisite for any systematic work on questions such as the provenance of the translation and the Latinity of the translator(s).
The volume comprises an introduction to Alexander; an outline account of his works in Greek compared with the Latin version; a description of the Latin manuscript copies, and a proposed reconstruction of the genetic relations between them; some preliminary remarks on the Latinity of the Latin Alexander; and a sample edition, with translation, critical apparatus, and extensive notes, of the chapters on coughing at the start of Book 2.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 371
ISBN: 9788785180346
Pub Date: 01 Dec 2006
Series: Ships & Boats of the North
Illustrations: many illus
This is volume 6 in the Ships and Boats of the North series and comprises an archaeological and architectural study of north west European shipbuilding between 1580 and 1640. The main aim of the research leading up to this publication has been to discover the specific carvel shipbuilding methods used in north west Europe in the Renaissance period. The study is based on the analysis of a group of finds excavated under the direction of the author in Copenhagen in 1996 and 1997.
A total of 8 wrecks were discovered and recorded in the Christianshavn quarter of Copenhagen, and excavation revealed that some of these wrecks had been used in the 17th and 18th centuries as foundations for the construction of a harbour. Five were the remains of large carvel-built vessels dating from the reigns of Danish kings Frederik II (1559-88) and Christian IV (1588-1648) and thus represent a unique collection of Renaissance ship-types used in Danish waters.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 434
ISBN: 9781842172087
Pub Date: 11 Jul 2006
Illustrations: 16p col plates, b/w illus
This edited volume of forty-four papers on terracottas opens with a section on New Research , followed by five geographical sections on: Etruria; Umbria and Abruzzo; The Faliscans, Rome and Latium; Campania and Magna Graecia; and Sicily. The terracottas in question are the various parts of roofing systems used by the ancient Italians Italic, Etruscan and colonial Greek and cover both domestic and temple architecture. Thirty-three papers are in Italian, nine in English and two in German.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 156
ISBN: 9781842172339
Pub Date: 11 Jul 2006
Who owns cultural objects? and who has the right to own them? The contributors to this book have thought long and hard about the ethics and politics of collecting, from a variety of professional perspectives: archaeologist, museum curator, antiquities dealer, collector, legislator.
The book is the outcome of a series of lectures and workshops held in Oxford in October-December 2004. It brings together some stimulating and provocative opinions, that would not usually be found together; archaeology and cultural heritage students rarely come into contact with antiquities dealers or collectors, for instance; museum curators rarely get to know the production processes and rationales behind the legislation and ethical codes they have to abide by. The aim is to provoke thought and debate on this topical and sensitive subject area.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 236
ISBN: 9781593333478
Pub Date: 15 May 2006
This volume resurrects the forgotten history of early American involvement in biblical archaeology. Frederick Jones Bliss, an American from a prominent missionary family, is central to the story as he was the first of any nationality to scientifically excavate the tells of Palestine.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 557
ISBN: 9788779341104
Pub Date: 30 Apr 2006
Illustrations: illus
This book deals with the interrelationship between society and war seen through the analytical eyes of anthropologists and archaeologists. War is a ghastly thing, which unfortunately thrives almost everywhere in the world today. We need, therefore, to have a better understanding of what war does to people and their societies.
War produces change, and archaeologists and anthropologists are analytically equipped to pinpoint its direction, patterning, scale and content. The perspective -- and filter -- of time provides one important tool, while context and comparison provide other tools. Looking at the history of war studies, war is quite often perceived of and treated as something set aside from other practices; almost personified. However, the results published in this book allow us to say that it is never autonomous and self-regulating. War always forms part of something else. Numerous questions arise, and at least some answers -- often tentative and multifaceted -- are provided in the twenty-eight studies included in the book. They certainly add to an ongoing debate, hopefully qualifying it as well.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 118
ISBN: 9781902937359
Pub Date: 20 Apr 2006
Series: McDonald Institute Monographs
Illustrations: 59 b/w illus
Archaeoacoustics focuses on the role of sound in human behaviour, from earliest times up to the development of mechanical detection and recording devices in the 19th century. Recent calls for an `archaeology of the senses' have served as a timely, even overdue reminder that the past which we experience - and which others have experienced before us - is multisensory, drawing not only upon the primary field of vision, but also on touch, smell and hearing. Megalithic tombs, Palaeolithic painted caves, Romanesque churches and prehistoric rock shelters all present specific sound qualities which offer clues as to how they may have been designed and used.
Voices resonate, external noises are subdued or eliminated, and a special aural dimension is accessed which complements the evidence of our other senses. The present volume, arising from a conference held at the McDonald Institute in 2003, brings together archaeologists and specialists in early musical instruments and acoustics in an attempt to unlock some of the meaning latent in the acoustics of such early structures and spaces. It will be essential reading for all who are concerned to seek a broader understanding of human sensory experience from prehistory up to historical times.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 220
ISBN: 9781902937335
Pub Date: 20 Apr 2006
Series: McDonald Institute Monographs
Illustrations: 50 b/w illus
Evolutionary ('phylogenetic') trees were first used to infer lost histories nearly two centuries ago by manuscript scholars reconstructing original texts. Today, computer methods are enabling phylogenetic trees to transform genetics, historical linguistics and even the archaeological study of artefact shapes and styles. But which phylogenetic methods are best suited to retracing the evolution of languages?
And which types of language data are most informative about deep prehistory? In this book, leading specialists engage with these key questions. Essential reading for linguists, geneticists and archaeologists, these studies demonstrate how phylogenetic tools are illuminating previously intractable questions about language prehistory. This innovative volume arose from a conference of linguists, geneticists and archaeologists held at Cambridge in 2004.
Pathways to Inclusion
A Guide to Staff Development
Format: Paperback
Pages: 244
ISBN: 9789979546467
Pub Date: 01 Apr 2006
Imprint: University of Iceland Press
The book is, as the title indicates, written to support staff development in schools working towards inclusive education. The purpose of the material is to diseminate to teachers, parents and support services elements of successful practices of inclusive schooling in four European countries. It was produced by a collaborative team from Austria, Iceland, Portugal and Spain as part of a Leonardo da Vinci, European Union project called Enhancing Teachers' Ability in Inclusion.
The outcome of the project was recently selected by the Directorate-General of Education and Culture of the European Commission as a good example of innovation in vocational education in the field of Social insertion/formation for the disabled. The book is based on several case studies of successful efforts towards inclusive education in compulsory schools in the four countries. The introduction to the book introduces the context of the project and the research methodology. The conclusions section discusses the findings in nine chapters representing the major themes emerging from the study. Each chapter states the main findings for the corresponding theme and then makes practical suggestions for school and staff development based on these findings. Finally, there is a short discussion of the general implications of the study, including guidance on how the materials might be used. The bulk of the material is a handbook for staff development, divided into nine chapters corresponding to the themes emerging from the study.