Format: Hardback
Pages: 200
ISBN: 9780822948360
Pub Date: 28 Feb 2025
Series: Pitt Drue Heinz Lit Prize
In formally adventurous stories rooted in Zambian literary tradition, Obligations to the Wounded explores the expectations and burdens of womanhood in Zambia and for Zambian women living abroad. The collection converses with global social problems through the depiction of games, social media feuds, letters, and folklore to illustrate how girls and women manage religious expectation, migration, loss of language, death, intimate partner violence, and racial discrimination. Although the women and girls inhabiting these pages are separated geographically and by life stage, their shared burdens, culture, and homeland inextricably link them together in struggle and triumph.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 288
ISBN: 9781636240084
Pub Date: 04 Feb 2025
Summer 1942. Defeatism hangs in the air. Britain stands alone.
Winston Churchill is determined to strike back and has ordered the formation of a special operations force, dubbed "Commandos", with the mission to "set Europe ablaze." U.S. Marine Captain Jim Cain and his Gunnery Sergeant Leland Montgomery are surprised to receive orders to the British Commando training center in the Scottish Highlands. There they are put through the brutal specialized training that will hone their fighting skills and physical endurance. Pitiless forced marches, dangerous live fire exercises and hazardous assault courses separate the men from the boys, while building a strong sense of brotherhood among the British soldiers and the two Marines. Lucky to be quartered in the spacious home of the Commandos' CO, Cain has the pleasure of meeting Loreena. The stunning auburn-haired daughter of the CO is secretive about her work in London. Before Cain can learn more about her, the training course is interrupted. He and the commando squad are sent on a special mission to destroy a German radar station on a Nazi-held island off the coast of France. The site is defended by a squad of second-rate garrison soldiers who are no match for the highly trained and motivated commandos. A reaction force of infantry, led by a blooded German combat veteran, joins the fight. The action is fierce and bloody and there are heavy losses on both sides. The surviving raiders are able to withdraw to Royal Navy motor torpedo boats, as a marauding squadron of Schnellboots (E-Boats) lies in wait. The Commandos: Set Europe Ablaze is rich in detail and military accuracy which makes the story "come alive" and enables the reader to easily visualize the characters, the settings and the action scenes.
Pages: 256
ISBN: 9781985900547
Pub Date: 05 Jul 2024
Pages: 256
ISBN: 9781985900554
Pub Date: 05 Jul 2024
In a span of minutes, the lives of four members of Brickton Community College change forever when an active shooter enters the campus and opens fire. Running on adrenaline and fear, the group—a crew of students and their teacher—subdues the perpetrator in a violent frenzy that leads to the man's death. Reeling from the shock of their collective actions, the group is thrown into turmoil when they realize that the person they have killed is someone they all knew.
Narrated in alternating voices and set against the backdrop of an economically depressed Appalachian town, Laura Leigh Morris's The Stone Catchers explores the immeasurable pain and loss felt by the survivors of a school shooting. Forced to process the horror of the event, mourn, and to reconcile themselves to their newfound recognition as local heroes, the survivors grapple with the losses suffered by their community and their own actions. In the process they come face to face with the unquantifiable cost gun violence takes on not only the survivors, but the families, friends, and futures of a community fractured by tragedy.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 233
ISBN: 9781922952806
Pub Date: 30 Jun 2024
Illustrations: y
This closely woven Chinese, Irish and Australian story begins in Canton during the Opium Wars and expands in the Australian Gold Rush of the 19th century. The Chinese miners are entwined in adversity with the rural Irish poor and notorious Kelly Gang.
Pages: 144
ISBN: 9781985900196
Pub Date: 10 May 2024
Series: University Press of Kentucky New Poetry & Prose Series
Pages: 144
ISBN: 9781985900202
Pub Date: 05 May 2024
Series: University Press of Kentucky New Poetry & Prose Series
Queerness, labels, and allyship are central themes in this moving collection of stories set in Turkey, where Middle Eastern and Euro-American expressions of identity collide and naming one's orientation is a fraught endeavor. An eleven-year-old undergoes hand surgery that will allow him to wear a wedding ring in adulthood. Two college roommates reach an erotic understanding as they indulge in dessert.
A sex worker meets an American same-sex marriage activist in the Aegean countryside. A passionate hookup during Istanbul Pride ends in teargas. Two friends' tempers flare over cold red wine on a hot summer night by the Dardanelles. A father, his son, and the son's drag queen boyfriend bond over classic Turkish cinema on the Mediterranean coast. In Sweet Tooth and Other Stories, Serkan Görkemli weaves together interconnected narratives of four Turkish characters—Hasan, Gökhan, Nazlý, and Cenk—who search for clarity, love, and acceptance amid social change. Set in a rich mixture of urban and rural locales, the stories take place from the 1980s through the 2010s against the backdrop of Turkey's transition from military-backed secularism to the rise of the religious right, local and global media representations, and the emergence of LGBTQ+ identities. Görkemli creates a complex and engaging network of plots about his characters' struggles and triumphs in navigating families, communities, and themselves. Braving discrimination, they strive to embrace their identities and find joy, solace, and approval within a society that marginalizes who they are and how they love.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 288
ISBN: 9781636240701
Pub Date: 19 Feb 2024
Private Henrik Hahnemann is an eighteen-year-old Missouri farm boy growing up in the hard scrabble times of the Great Depression. Known for his hunting skills, his close-knit family often depend on him to bring home dinner. Shaken and bitter by the attack on Pearl Harbor, he is fixated on revenge and chooses the Marine Corps as the means for his personal retribution.
Granted an early high school graduation, "Handyman" Henrik struggled with the change from a peaceful famer's son, but his platoon come to recognize his shooting and hunting skills. When the chips were down he summons the determination necessary to survive against hopeless odds. Superior Private Obatia Yoshiro is an average twenty-year-old student expected to eventually take over his father's glassworks. To most an unassuming economics student, he has another side – a side shaped by long hours crewing an uncle's fishing boat where he is exposed to the physical and mental demands of the elements. His school plans suddenly undermined by a draft notice, he makes the best of a dismal and brutal life of absolute obligation and unquestioning obedience. Both will end up on a rugged and brutal South Pacific island called Guadalcanal, where, two determined nations pit all they could spare; committing every airplane, ship, and soldier they could funnel into the cauldron. Values and beliefs, discipline and obedience, massed firepower or skill at arms – what will prevail in this nightmare?
Format: Paperback
Pages: 184
ISBN: 9781922669810
Pub Date: 01 Feb 2024
A contemporary artist is out to win a portrait prize by sketching a Che Guevara rebel from the old Australian colony in Paraguay. The artist’s brother is troubled by doubts about the rebel’s heroic identity and feels obliged to investigate.Set largely in South America, the novel explores divergent approaches to the truth in the wilds of Bolivia where Che sought to ignite a widespread revolution.
The investigation ends in Sydney where Che’s ambitious dreams are still revered and the prize will soon be awarded. The counter-factual mysteries to be unravelled mirror South America’s own ingenious literary form, magic realism, a form reflecting the post-modern world’s richly-imagined but often bizarre perceptions.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 370
ISBN: 9781922669964
Pub Date: 01 Feb 2024
The first months of London’s Great Plague of 1665 give no hope of any improvement, only an ominous warning of worse to come. Those who can are fleeing the city. Those who can’t – the poor, the old, and a dedicated few – must stay to face the growing danger.
The ancient women of the parish of St Cyneswide and St Tibba, the Searchers, Viewers and Keepers, who have weathered the disappearance of one of their own, face further calls on their courage and resilience. The plot against the King simmers, supported by folk of fire and faith, dismissed by others as the work of fanatics. There are those who will stop at nothing and threaten the whole city. But … the parish still finds solace in singing; small children play their joyous, sometimes fractious, street games; and young people find each other. Volume 2 of Plague Searchers – Flee quick, go far – continues this gripping tale with its friendships and feuds, songs and psalms, plots and betrayals.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 480
ISBN: 9781922669957
Pub Date: 01 Feb 2024
It is 1665 and London faces two deadly threats – the devastating plague, and dangerous rumblings of a rebellion against the King, Charles II. In the frontline of the plague, the ‘first responders’, are the ancient women of the parish: the Viewers, Keepers and Searchers, who must deal with the sick, the dying and the dead. Political and religious differences split the city.
Some yearn for the days of Oliver Cromwell and the Puritan Commonwealth, others rejoice in the pleasure loving King’s return. A tale of friendships and feuds, songs and psalms, plots and betrayals, this exciting and original novel paints a rich picture of life – and death – in the perilous streets of plague-struck London.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 176
ISBN: 9780822947998
Pub Date: 31 Jan 2024
Small in Real Life invokes the myth and melancholy of Southern California glamor, of starry-eyed women and men striving for their own Hollywood shimmer and the seamy undersides and luxurious mystique of the Golden State. Exiled to a Malibu rehab, an alcoholic paparazzo spies on his celebrity friend for an online tabloid. Down to her last dollar, a Hollywood hanger-on steals designer handbags from her dying friend’s bungalow.
Blinded by grief, an LA judge atones after condescending to a failed actress on a date. When hunger for power, fame, and love betrays the senses, the characters in these nine stories must reckon with false choices and their search for belonging with the wrong people. Small in Real Life offers an insider’s view of California and the golden promises of possibility and redemption that have long made the West glitter.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 256
ISBN: 9781912589340
Pub Date: 30 May 2023
Plane hijackings. Spy swaps. The Berlin Wall still standing.
In other words, business as usual for spies.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 286
ISBN: 9781636243085
Pub Date: 15 Apr 2023
Rescued in the Pacific after his utility tug is sunk north of Guadalcanal, a 20-day convalescent leave in Urbana, Illinois, first throws Ensign Hal Goff into a binding relationship with Bea Colombo before the war once again sends him to serve as executive officer aboard a U.S. Navy Rescue Tug, the ATR-3X, not long after the German surrender in North Africa.
Aboard the 3X, serving with four other officers, the war swiftly draws the ship into the Allied invasion of Sicily and then, with the capture of Palermo, into General Patton’s drive toward Messina, the 3X fighting off air and U-boat attacks while towing stricken ships from the invasion beaches. Within weeks of capturing Sicily, Hal and his brother officers next participate in the invasion of the Italian mainland, shepherding navy ships to and from the bitter fighting for Salerno as the Allies drive toward Naples. With the Allied advance finally stopped cold along the German Winter Line beneath Monte Cassino, Hal and his ship become part of the grueling invasion of Anzio and the seemingly endless stalemate which takes place across Anzio’s bloody beaches. There, after months of dangerous convoy duty, escorting supply ships to and from Anzio while fighting off the continual air attacks that threaten them, a trio of Focke-Wulfs finally succeed in strafing the ship, Hal’s wounds in battle sending him back to the States for recovery and honorable discharge before he reunites with the woman whose love has kept him going. Phillip Parotti’s new novel treats his readers to gripping World War II naval action in the Mediterranean Sea.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 352
ISBN: 9781636242507
Pub Date: 15 Apr 2023
Series: Casemate Fiction
After decades of poising on the brink, the United States and China finally go to war when China invades the island of Taiwan. Deploying their most futuristic technologies in this grand strategic competition of the 21st century, the stakes could not be higher. Not only the future of the Taiwanese people but the fate of the world lies in the balance.
In an era when humans no longer just use machines, but partner with them in all aspects of military operations, this fictional account views this future war through the eyes of the American, Chinese, and Taiwanese caught up in the maelstrom, revealing the heartbreak, courage, leadership, and despair of high-tech warfare played out on land, at sea, in space, and in cyberspace. White Sun War asks readers to ponder anew an essential question for the future of security in western Pacific and the entire Indo-Pacific region: is a war for Taiwan winnable?
Format: Paperback
Pages: 304
ISBN: 9781636242446
Pub Date: 15 Mar 2023
Phillip Parotti’s new novel chronicles the fast-paced action of a collection of American submarine chasers as they battle to reduce the German U-Boat menace in the English Channel during the last year of World War I. Lieutenant (junior grade) Ben Snow takes a commission in the United States Naval Reserve, and whips a dissolute crew into fighting shape. They then take their little submarine chaser, SC 65X, out into the English Channel to hunt for German U-boats in the midst of the worst winter in more than fifty years.
Their achievements climax with the sinking of a German submarine and taking sixteen of her crew prisoner. When the war ends on 11 November 1918, the chaser crews expect to return home, but their exposure to danger is by no means concluded. Instead, the chasers are tasked with exploding the 70,000 dangerous mines planted in the North Sea Mine Barrage. Having survived the war, will Ben and his crew survive the peace?
Format: Paperback
Pages: 256
ISBN: 9781636241760
Pub Date: 15 Mar 2023
Richard “Rick” Blayne has a mission. One of the CIA’s top expert on Cambodia, who escaped the country’s fall to the Khmer Rouge and has monitored the ensuing genocide from Thailand ever since, he has been sent to Paris to further the CIA’s plan to infiltrate the Cambodian resistance to the Hanoi-controlled puppet government in Phnom Penh. Arriving in the middle of a Parisian summer, Rick feels out of place and uncertain if he can handle the assignment.
Vying factions seek to form a guerrilla force. As he establishes contact with old Cambodian friends on both sides trying to control the resistance, he is drawn into an operation to recruit a Russian diplomat serving in Paris. With the help of a Thai fashion designer serving as an access agent, Rick, under the guidance of Sasha – a seasoned CIA Soviet “head hunter” and deputy chief of Paris station – moves the operation forward at a time of great upheaval and change for the Soviet Union.
Pages: 160
ISBN: 9780813196978
Pub Date: 07 Mar 2023
Series: University Press of Kentucky New Poetry & Prose Series
Pages: 160
ISBN: 9781985900639
Pub Date: 30 Jan 2025
Series: University Press of Kentucky New Poetry & Prose Series
"Even in death, who has ownership over Black women's bodies? Questions like this lurk between the lines of these stunning stories engaging with the nuance of African women’s histories."Questions like this sit between the lines of this stunning collection of stories that engage the nuance of African women's histories.
Their history is not just one thing, there is heartbreak and pain, and joy, and flying and magic, so much magic. An avenging spirit takes on the patriarchy from beyond the grave.An immigrant woman undergoes a naturalization ceremony in an imagined American state that demands that immigrants pay a toll of the thing they love the most to be allowed to stay. A first-generation Zimbabwean-American woman haunted by generational trauma is willing to pay the ultimate price to take her pain away - giving up her memories. A neighborhood gossip wakes up to find that houses are mysteriously vanishing in the night. A shapeshifting freedom fighter leaves a legacy of resistance to her granddaughter.In Drinking from Graveyard Wells, Yvette Lisa Ndlovu assembles a collection of poignantly reflective stories that ventilate the voices of African women charting a Black history across oceans between southern Africa and America. Ndlovu's stories play with genres ranging from softly surreal to deeply fantastical. Each narrative is wrapped in the literary eloquence and tradition of southern African mythology, in a way that transports readers into the lives of African women who have fought across time and space to be seen.Drawing on her own experiences as a Zimbabwean whose early life was spent under the Mugabe dictatorship, Ndlovu's stories are grounded in truth and empathy. Ndlovu boldly offers up alternative interpretations of a past and a present that speculates into the everyday lives of a people disregarded. Her words explore the erasure of African women - while highlighting their beauty potential and limitless possibility. Immersed in worlds both fantastical and familiar, readers find themselves walking alongside these women, grieving their pain, and celebrating their joy, all against the textured backdrop of African histories, languages, and cultures.